Time to push back on Care Charges

Brilliant post losts of resources put together

By Guiselle Hoad of Adult Social Care Warriors


 It’s time to push back on Care Charges! 👊

We want to see ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Care) state on Twitter that LAs (Local Authorities) are reporting a massive rise in challenges over Care Charges! 

Remember it’s your money not theirs to plug their funding gaps! 

If you need it - Fight for it! ✊👊

With the rising cost of living and the lack of support throughout the pandemic, enough is enough!! #MakeCareFair 

The LAs financial assessment process must be seriously flawed if it determines that anyone has any ‘spare’ cash at the moment! 

National Energy Action suggest that

“ #Energyprices will increase by an average of £14.40 a week. . . Those already struggling, may have to choose between heating and eating.”

Disabled people have starker choices - ‘heating, eating or care’! 







The Government raised the MIG by just 3% in April after several years freeze, This is the first increase in the MIG since 2016-17, so it’s nowhere near in line with inflation. 

The expectation is that Local Authorities should apply discretionary uplifts . . . 

“8.46 . . . Local authorities should consider how to protect a person’s income. The government considers that it is inconsistent with promoting independent living to assume, without further consideration, that all of a person’s income above the minimum income guarantee (MIG) is available to be taken in charges”

(Care and Support Statutory Guidance, Department of Health and Social Care, updated 24th June 2020).

And don’t get us started on Disability Related Expenses DRE . . . 

“ If the local authority takes into account disability benefits as income it should assess and deduct Disability Related Expenditure (DRE).

Disability related expenditure is anything extra you have to pay as a disabled person. This could be

Specific equipment and other things you have to buy;

Having to buy more expensive general items, because cheaper alternatives are not accessible or not suitable for you because of your impairment.

Having to buy more of something, for example more clothes, because of your impairment.

Having to pay more for something because of your impairment, for example using more electricity or water. If you don’t know how much on average similar households in your area pay for utilities, you should ask the local authority.

The law says local authorities must ensure disabled people are not charged more than what they can pay and therefore they should take active steps to identify DRE.”




Additionally most LAs (Local Authorities) refuse ‘rent’ or ‘household contributions’ for people that live in the ‘family home’ 

But most families expect young people still living at home to contribute to the family budget, it is very much part of our British culture and traditions, young people with disabilities should be treated the same and not discriminated against!  

“ Chris King, Head of Home at comparethemarket.com said: “With the cost of living increasing year on year, we’re not surprised that more than half of parents are charging their adult children to live at home with them, not only from a financial perspective but also to help teach them the true value of money.


“ The state assumes young adults will contribute to family rent, but gives them no support to do so.

“Moreover, it cuts parents' benefit entitlements. Doing the right thing by your children shouldn’t lead to an increased risk of hardship.””https://www.lboro.ac.uk/news-events/news/2020/october/low-income-families-feel-pinch-gen-z-return-home/

“ The researchers concluded: “If either no contribution or only a token board contribution is made by young adults living with their parents, the net result will be for parents to be financially worse off … they could have over £1,200 a year less to spend. Some parents may accept this willingly, but for those on low incomes, this additional cost can significantly lower parents’ own living standards.”https://www.theguardian.com/money/2019/apr/20/why-you-should-pay-your-parents-100-board-a-month

By not allowing this contribution the LA are putting a severe strain on the families resources which could lead to a breakdown of support, especially now with the severe rise in the cost of living, which would then surely place a much larger financial burden on the Authority.

The ‘WellBeing’ Principle

Paying a ‘contribution’ /Care Charge has a negative impact on disabled peoples wellbeing. 

How does that ‘fit’ with a Local Authorities ‘duty’ to promote peoples well-being? 

“ It is also worth remembering that when calculating your contribution, the local authority is bound by their duty to promote your wellbeing. They have a power to waive your contribution and arguably should do it when your actual expenditure is high and paying a contribution will have a negative impact open your wellbeing.”



Care Act Resource page - 




Learn your Rights! Fight back! 💜✊👊


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