The Care Net

I have recently been dealing with a lot of cases where people have been struggling with the battles with  Social Care and Health, particularlyin relation to Direct Payments.

As a pathway to resolution for some of these issues, we would like to encourage the formation of local groups in your area. These groups would support people in their area to bring matters to the attention of local organisations, as one strengthened voice. It will allow the sharing of information and resources. We hope to provide training on subject matters of interest for these groups

Authorities often argue its diffcult to find people to or a large group where they can co-produce and consult as necessary. For individuals, it will allow support the from  local peers, and will give more  scope to deal with such issues as a team and enhance the ability to share resources and knowledge.

We will support such groups with our knowledge, experience and shared resources to inform what is happening across the country. We will also support with how and what you can do to get hold of accurate up to date information as to what is happening in your area (often in advance of what you're aware of).

We would like these groups to come together (with their own logos etc.) which would be added to groups under the banner of The Care Net. You don’t have to have meetings, all of this can be done online. By joining us under the The Care Net umbrella, we can then, with one voice, take things forward at a national level for indpendent direct payment holders. Something which at present we don't have. 

To date, this idea is in its infancy, but the more people who join the better as it will give us a national independent voice regardless of the type of disability, concerns or membership fees (there would be no charge for these services).

If organisations wish to help with funds towards the development of this then we encourage them to get in touch, however to us, it is important that we are seen as wholly independent. Our goal is to be run by the people who need and use direct payments rather than organisations, who will have to worry about income generation, reports and proving worth. We believe this is possible with time and support to the development of these local groups.

In the long term, one of the issues we all face is lack of funds to tackle and get the appropriate legal advice to challenge decisions. It is hoped that as a group of people, we can consider and introduce the idea of group litigation. One of the benefits of group litigation is if something is challenged in courts, costs can be legally shared through small voluntary donations, and could result in some major changes with a strengthened impact.

Another aspect to tackle for this group is a fair pay for our carers, this is a big issue, and often means we have diffculty recruiting. It makes little sence that authorties are happy to pay more money to business, who have very similar costs and also have economies of scale which often make it cheaper for them. There will always be a need for care agencies, however a comparative pay scales ( not for profit) is essential to the future of direct payments.

If you have a  group already and want to help us by sharing your expertose and knowledge or would like to start one to support each other locally and be a part of The Care Net, please get in touch. We are happy to guide you step by step to join up your local direct payment communities to have a strong voice.

If this is of interest, please get in touch either through our group multimedia outlets or


  1. like you, i have been fighting the unfair system that is social care, being someone who gets direct payments, and has to contribute £300 a month, which i feel is disproportionate, perticuarly as i get no social activities funded, and i feel i do not get listened to by the local authority, (i live in hertfordshire), and have been very close to telling the local authority to stop my direct payment on a few occasions


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