Why we can't seem to co-produce properly in Care?

You would think after all most 30 years of talking about co production, we'd have nailed it by now. You'd presume as everyone seems to think it's a good idea co production would be a concept so firmly embedded in to our culture that nothing would happen without it being co-produced. It’s so natural that it doesn't even need to be mentioned it just happens. So why doesn't it?

Who doesn’t think people should actually be getting involved in local democracy, helping to shape what is needed, working together to improve matters.  Isn't that co-production? So why aren’t people invited to have their say at council meetings? Or to work on policies and processes? To remind those that are there, that these things actually matter and effects people on a daily basis? Why must reports come only from officers who are paid to produce such? Can they truly be Independent?

Unfortunately as our politics seem to show, trying getting anything done is a nightmare. What sort of democracy is this? Whether in Government, NHS or Local Authority, those in power seem to want to hold on to it and stand and tell people you will do as you’re told. I make the decisions. Isn’t it time to stop that bossy, top down attitude, and to try and work towards a true democracy.

You wonder why then we can't get co production done or even started, still every day I see snippets all over social media which says it's time to talk, we must meet and discuss even this last week the NHS where promoting at quite an expense and with countless people attending personalisation. Which in essence is all about independence, choice and control, something you can't really do without co-production. How do you know what my needs for independence, choice and control even are without talking to me?

For it to really happen we need a change of thinking, we need those in power whether in National Government or Local to remember they are there to serve the people and not for their own financial or personal interests. We need to change our way of thinking away from I'm in it for myself, what’s best for me, to where all in it together, what's best for all of us.

One of the first steps to coproduction as to be involve people at the start. Don’t develop plans and reams of paper which is all technical and needs a dictionary to understand. Remember at the end. A service user needs to understand it. Bring in people at the idea stage, take the people along the journey. Don’t just send a postcard at the end. Too often we are brought polices, within which the detail or practical considerations are missing. I have literally just read a report with wonderful diagrams and jargon filled where it shows the communication with the client happening three quarters of the way in the process, all the decisions and planning already being made. This Policy is supposed to be a new way of working locally.

People say no one's going to do it for free, well I along with a number of colleagues have gladly attended meetings 10 years for free. It's my life, as a disabled person with physical and learning disabilities in order to have the benefit of living independently, with choice and control for me it’s not about money. It is literally my life my basic rights, that I fight for. The sticking point is always we talk and nothing ever happens. I and my colleagues have drawers, boxes full of files, from meetings, which never get anywhere, only to be reinvented a few years later. When asked why it is the same crowd faces all the time. The answer is pretty obvious, if you can’t be bothered to listen to us, where not going to go out and tell people get involved you’ll be heard. The word of mouth is a powerful tool that can work for you or against you. It’s free and easy, it’s up to you whether you want it to work or not.

For years I worked in the system, trying to get things done as a local authority worker in effect co-producing and partnership working without even actually calling it those things. No words, no fancy titles, just doing it, and time and time again I was faced with egos and power struggles. As an example often I would ask people in departments to pass me a process or report or document and in some occasions it could take up to a year before I finally got to see it. Now I work out of the system, if I want a document I'll ask, if it’s not forthcoming I will use the powers available to me via Freedom of information or Data Protection and get the same reports in weeks. Surely that's just ridiculous isn't it! The point is here if you can’t talk to each other properly within, how can you go outside and ask for people to help you?

Sure I and my fellow disabled friends and colleagues will work with any organisation and give you our time because it's important to us. However if it as, it usually does becomes just another talk, discussion, meeting without any succinct manageable plans with achievable targets, you'll soon notice we’ll stop attending. If you can't make it happen stop doing it and give it to someone who can get it done.

I guess at the end of the day, everyone tries to fight for what is truly important to them, not just a pay packet, but knowing that you make a difference, you’ve achieved or done something for society or someone that will make it better. Or will it be more of the same I've done my 8 1/2 hours, give me my money and good night?

Whether its democracy or co production you want you only get what you truly put in. If it’s something your passionate about, regardless of the financial benefit you will move forward. Somethings, some freedoms are worth fighting for whatever the cost.


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