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Meet the Team - Anne Pridmore

 Anne ( Being the Boss) is one of our amazing  leading members of The Care Net, she recently did a talk for Center of Care. This is a copy of her talk.  It gives an insightful view to authorties and organisations on what it feels like to be Direct Payment Holder. Centre for Care Loughborough Presentation I have called this presentation Dancing Naked on the Beach and hopefully the reason will become clear during my talk. I will leave time at the end for your questions. I have been disabled from birth but went to mainstream school from five years of age. At 14 my parents paid for me to go to business college where I studied shorthand and typing. All the other students were promised a job on completion but no such promise was made to me. I very soon learnt that if I divulged I was disabled in an application I would never get a reply let alone an interview. I decided to never disclose this in order to get a job. I started work at 15 and worked for 25 years in various boring office j

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